Monday, June 13, 2011

q2 week11

It's done. It has so much more potential but it's almost a solid work. The game has really come together at this last stretch. Getting the skybox and the levels together has been interesting, I'd still like to see about other possible ways of making a skybox. I wonder what industry standard must be. Corners are hard to put together. The game document has been organized even though it's been a scattered endeavor. Trying to get together has been rough as schedules conflict, and group work becomes more focus in specific places. The main version is held by one person at a time and can't be changed separately since it creates differences. The course has been steady though. Even if game completion came sooner it would still be far from done. I honestly feel like the progress has been good, but there's always room for improvement.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Q2 week 8

This past few weeks a lot of learning has been done, less work has been accomplished. After learning new techniques on photoshop, I managed to get some textures done. Just recently I've figured out how to do skyboxes, and am in the process of gathering all the needed components to finish up a full level. Well, the concept of one that is. Managed to get some of the level together with animated capital ships, and I'm close to getting it wrapped up.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Q2 week 4

I've been dragging the class behind, I hate to admit it but I am. I lack certain knowledge needed for certain situations. I ask and attempt to learn but I'm not exactly a quick learner. I've been stacking up the work because of failed efforts. I'm glad I'm walking away with new abilities in photoshop and in maya. I can be happy with that but the class needs the work to be finished. I've misunderstood several things that would have been nice to know the first time around, like what the specifics are to my assignments. Hopefully things turn around, because I am now writing details down. I'll need to communicate better so I can pick up my slack.

Friday, March 25, 2011

q1 wk 11

This is my final entry in the journal I have been keeping since day one. I don't even know the date anymore it seems to be one continuous day, starting and ending with work. I've been struggling with details on some of my work in areas involving texture and uv's . It doesn't seem to make sense at times. I swear I've cut and changed theses models uv's perfect every time, but later find myself making small adjustments. Sometimes I've missed entire cuts that should have been obvious. I'm catching them, but it makes my work need replacement. which sets me back even further. I managed to get my coding done in 3dscripting, and the projects purpose was two fold. One was for that class, but the other more sinister, was for prototyping. I feel like I'm in need of classes that I should have had, nay I know I should have had. I am here now however, and I cannot allow any failure. This trek has been enlightening to say the least. I only hope to make this vision my classmates and I share come together in the next few weeks as we near our deadline. So far it has gone swimmingly. Could this project outshine my team productions? I fear it already has. while our textures are not many, they are almost complete, which is a far cry better than what can be said for team productions. I linger to long on the subject though. Whats next will be artificial intelligence of a fierce sort. I beg the question of "how?" far too oft. I feel it is coming together though, in places quickly, and sometimes far slower. It is good at times, for I have created a successful version of avoidance, even though primitive. That is all I will say for these last few weeks. I hope my next quarter will go well, I trust in my team for they are talented.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Q1 week 8

No matter how zealous I could be the lack of knowledge has been a massive disruption. I've attempted unwrapping my meshs for the last two weeks, there is no helping it. I will have to sit down with some one who can help me as all the tutorials I've looked over have been little help. I need to learn unwrapping as it is impracticle to continue my studies with out it. On the flip side I've been making leaps and bounds in coding. I've modeled out a cannon and the horizon ship for our game. These are the models that are in need of unwrapping, and then texturing, which I fear will also be a problem. I cannot allow myself to be a hinderance anymore then the two week delay in unwrapping. I need to have someone assist me on this subject, either an outside source or someone on the team that has time.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Q1 week4

Its been four weeks since we first meet up as a team. Being a small team of five is both a blessing and a curse. We have to wear many hats through out the process. From this point on I will be updating regularly. Week one was an introduction to the team and a rough mesh of what games we could try. We settled on A three dimensional Asteroids game. Week two was ship concepts of various styles. After reviewing the many styles from our team we decided on three basic ideas. Week three was similar only we shared concepts of weapon design as well. We settled on a concept of businesses struggling to gather asteroids for materials. A large company, a "friendly" company, and the pirates (later renamed vigilantes, in an attempt to strafe away from being typical pirates). We have now named all the companies to be "The Capitol", "The Horizon", and "The union". We came up with the name for our company rather quickly with many other fun ideas. We are "The Carriers of the Code Plague". I've been doing concept art in my sketch book but I'll be scanning those and then converting over to digital format. This is because I will be needing to clean up the art, and post it on the blogs. Here's to a good Prototyping class. Enjoy the ride.

-Dan Heintz