Friday, February 4, 2011

Q1 week4

Its been four weeks since we first meet up as a team. Being a small team of five is both a blessing and a curse. We have to wear many hats through out the process. From this point on I will be updating regularly. Week one was an introduction to the team and a rough mesh of what games we could try. We settled on A three dimensional Asteroids game. Week two was ship concepts of various styles. After reviewing the many styles from our team we decided on three basic ideas. Week three was similar only we shared concepts of weapon design as well. We settled on a concept of businesses struggling to gather asteroids for materials. A large company, a "friendly" company, and the pirates (later renamed vigilantes, in an attempt to strafe away from being typical pirates). We have now named all the companies to be "The Capitol", "The Horizon", and "The union". We came up with the name for our company rather quickly with many other fun ideas. We are "The Carriers of the Code Plague". I've been doing concept art in my sketch book but I'll be scanning those and then converting over to digital format. This is because I will be needing to clean up the art, and post it on the blogs. Here's to a good Prototyping class. Enjoy the ride.

-Dan Heintz